Friday, July 9, 2010

Anyone remember my diet?

Some of you, or the one of you who reads this (thank you by the way), may remember that I am on a diet and trying to get into some shape other then round. Things were going great, down 22 pounds, walking almost everyday, throwing in some bike riding and even a little weight lifting at work (very seldom). Then I hit the dreaded plateau, the weight stop dropping off and I actually gained back a pound. I was not discouraged though, I can do this, I can keep up with this and reach my goal. That was three weeks ago and I have gained back another half pound even while continuing the workouts.

I am starting to get discouraged a little now. I keep telling myself "the plateau won't last long, keep at it!" I do feel better, some say I look better and my jeans are a little looser but darn it when will I start losing some weight again?


Mark Richards said...

I am sure working overnights isn't helping your situation. But keep up the hard work. It can be very discouraging. I am having the same problems myself now that summer has arrived. It takes a lot of motivation for me to wake up an hour early to go for my walks. And it even takes more determination to go out for a walk in the 110 weather.

Anyway, Samantha is a great motivator for both of us. She has done such a great job in reaching her goals, and I know we both can do it too.

TheDigitalDoctr said...

Just keep at it. Never give up. Those are mantras that I find I have to keep in my head often. Life, in general, has a way of testing the type of "metal" we're made out of. I have the same issues with weight. I feel like a yo-yo sometimes as I go up and down on the scale. But you need to stick to it, so that you can be a motivator for me! :)

Keep The Faith, Brother!