Wednesday, July 28, 2010

We all do stupid things, right?

Not sure what I was thinking when I did it but I did it anyway. What was it you ask? I got a tattoo. Now before you go and cuss me out or think less of me know I already have done this to myself. It wasn't a drunken moment with friends or something done on a whim, it is something I have been thinking about for quite some time. I am happy with what I got, all of verse 1 of Psalm 23 and part of verse 4. This is my favorite verse of the Bible and means a great deal to me. I knew it would be permanent so I didn't want to get something I would ashamed to have on my body. I got it in an inconspicuous spot that most people will ever see.

I have heard from friends and family "why would you want to do that?" I just laugh and say it is cheaper then a new truck and way better for me and my family then an affair. I don't know the truthful answer to why I wanted one or went thru with it. I could call it a midlife crisis or just a bad judgement call, I don't know why. All I can say is it is a decision I made and I have to live with. There will be no pictures here sorry, here is what I got though.

Psalm 23:1 - The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
23:4 - Yea though I walk through the valley of the of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil;

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Special People, Special Day

I was fortunate enough to spend most of the day Tuesday with some truly special people. Lincoln, NE is hosting the 2010 National Special Olympics. I got up extra early, drove to a parking lot and took a bus to my volunteer location. I get there with not a whole lot going on for the first hour. We set up and received our instructions for the days events. Then the athletes came. You never really see what you take for granted until you witness people who have overcome more then you could imagine.

The first group consisted of two young ladies one with both physical and developmental disabilities and the second young woman with only developmental disabilities. It was amazing to see their attitude in respect to themselves and the other competitor. The first young lady did well on all her lifts but was not boastful. The second  young lady went 0-6 in the event. I could not tell she was upset or angry, she was so excited to be there and competing, she was happy for her fellow competitor even though she was having a bad time of it. She truly defined what it meant to be a good competitor and sportsmanship.

As the day moved along the groups got larger and the lifters had their different types of disabilities but the sportsmanship level never changed. There was a T.V. set up in the staging area where the athletes could watch each other compete. Not once was a bad or negative word spoken about another competitor. They would cheer, yell support, congratulate each other when the came off stage and console each other when another athlete was sad about not making their lift.

If you ever get the chance to spend the day volunteering with some of these truly special individuals take it. It will give you a perspective everyday life will not and may even teach you something about yourself. I know it did for me.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Anyone remember my diet?

Some of you, or the one of you who reads this (thank you by the way), may remember that I am on a diet and trying to get into some shape other then round. Things were going great, down 22 pounds, walking almost everyday, throwing in some bike riding and even a little weight lifting at work (very seldom). Then I hit the dreaded plateau, the weight stop dropping off and I actually gained back a pound. I was not discouraged though, I can do this, I can keep up with this and reach my goal. That was three weeks ago and I have gained back another half pound even while continuing the workouts.

I am starting to get discouraged a little now. I keep telling myself "the plateau won't last long, keep at it!" I do feel better, some say I look better and my jeans are a little looser but darn it when will I start losing some weight again?

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Happy Fourth of July.

Happy Fourth of July everyone, I hope you get to spend this day with all those most special to you.

While to many this day means fireworks, BBQ's, picnics and adult beverages to me it means much more. I think back to what the Founding Fathers (and Mothers) must have had to endure. Knowing that by sending The Declaration of Independence they were committing treason. They basically said we are willing to put our lives on the line for what we believe in. I think back even further to the pilgrim's who came over for many reason and landed on Plymouth Rock. They were willing to put their lives on the line going to a new continent not knowing what they were going to find, how they were going to survive and what life was going to be like. Never forget how 150-160 years later as the Bill of Rights was being written they remembered them. Pilgrim's came over to get away from the religious Tierney of the King of England. They wanted to practice religion as they saw fit or not practice at all. It was something that so many of us cannot even fathom because of how much we know about the world today. The fact that the Founding Fathers had the wisdom to put this into the Bill of Rights shows how much this was ingrained in their/our society.

So this weekend while you are celebrating and doing all the modern day stuff take a moment and remember those who put their lives on-the-line for things we often take for granted. Remember the Pilgrim's leaving their homes and everything they had and were willing to start new. Remember those who were willing to fight for the right to practice religion, represent themselves in government and so many other things. These strong people did this so you can drink that beer, BBQ the burger and vote for representation in how our country is led. They did it so you can practice religion as you see fit or not at all. They did it so we could all be free.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Ten years?

Ten years used to seem like such a long time to me. I thought who am I going to be, what am I going to do, how will life have changed? Maybe it's because I am getting older or maybe it is because of life experience but ten years doesn't seem like that long of time anymore. After having my first daughter 10 years ago yesterday I cannot believe how fast the time flies by. It seems like she was just this little girl who needed my wife and I for everything. She needed us to feed her, bath her, help her get dressed and care for her every need.

Now she has grown and became more independent. She doesn't need us like she used to, well she does but just in different ways. She needs us when she has a rough day at school when the other kids have been mean. She needs us when she is stressed about homework. She needs us to take her back and forth from dance class and horse riding lessons. She needs us to teach her about God and how to treat others. We still have so many things to teach her and things she still needs. These are all great things to be needed for but its not at all like when she was little. She is only 10 but I see the young lady she is turning into already. She is so smart and mature, she makes me proud all the time. Soon she will be a teenager and I will be reflecting back on her 10th birthday and thinking "wouldn't it be nice if she needed me like she did then?"

Cutie Pie you are growing up much to fast for my liking. I am sorry I have not been there as much as I would've liked to be. I am sorry for all the things I miss because of work and sleep. Please know I am doing these things for you, your sister and your mother. I would so much like to be more of you life. Just know you and your sister are everything to me. Even if I don't always show it like I should or say the things I should, you are!

I love you Cutie Pie.