Friday, August 20, 2010

New Job?

I interviewed for a different position at work this week. Right now I am in engineering but according to the plant manager, HR manager and my direct manager I need to have supervisory experience to advance. So I applied for an open supervisor position and had three hours worth of interviews on Monday.

Like everything else in life this is both exciting and scary all at the same time. I like the engineering side and doing technical work. Some programming of robots, process improvements and new design work is exciting. Its also exciting when your boss asks you if you are going to apply for the open position though. To me it means he sees something in me and I have a future here so I better get this on my resume. Its scary because if I get the job I would be responsible for vacation request, discipline, time clock issues, overtime staffing and many other tasks. It is a completely different aspect of the job that I have never done before.

My manager told me today that they have one more candidate to interview and should make a decision in the next week. If you are a reader/friend any positive thoughts you could send my way would be appreciated.