Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Chrome OS/CR-48 Initial Review.
Labels: Chrome OS, CR-48 Notebook, Google, Huskerheavy
Thursday, August 26, 2010
The saying goes Familiarity Breeds Contempt (Aesop's Fables) but I disagree. The fable is about a fox who is first scared of a lion then after several meetings shows him no concern. This may be true with casual acquaintance's but with people and things you truly care about I don't believe it ever becomes the case. We may not always treat the people we love the way we should but I hope never with contempt. Everyone has a bad day or gets frustrated with family and friends but in the end you always cherish your time together. I think this is because we know it may be over all too soon.
Autumn is coming on quickly, this is my favorite season of the year. Seeing an old friend, talking about and going to college football games, seeing that first tree change colors or planning weekend trips with the family are truly special and something I look forward too. How could I have contempt for the things that make me feel something special like nothing else does? I recently saw a video of friends talking/playing with their child. I have not seen these friends in quite awhile, we are separated by a long distance, and just to hear them and their daughter on the video made me smile. I have missed the get together's we have here in the Midwest during football season. The harvest is coming on, high school football takes center stage and kids are back in school excited to show off all there new clothes, bags and supplies. It is by far the best time of year.
I hope I tell those people closest to me how much I care and value their love, support and friendship. I hope even though at times it seems I take these things for granted I truly value them. This post did not take me where I was going with it in my head but I am happy with where it took me. So family and friends thanks for being there, for making familiarity a good thing and for making my life so fulfilling.
Labels: friends, Huskerheavy
Friday, August 20, 2010
New Job?

Like everything else in life this is both exciting and scary all at the same time. I like the engineering side and doing technical work. Some programming of robots, process improvements and new design work is exciting. Its also exciting when your boss asks you if you are going to apply for the open position though. To me it means he sees something in me and I have a future here so I better get this on my resume. Its scary because if I get the job I would be responsible for vacation request, discipline, time clock issues, overtime staffing and many other tasks. It is a completely different aspect of the job that I have never done before.
My manager told me today that they have one more candidate to interview and should make a decision in the next week. If you are a reader/friend any positive thoughts you could send my way would be appreciated.
Labels: Huskerheavy, Jobs
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Struggles, we all have them and deal with them in different ways. We have daily struggles, relationship struggles, family struggles and lifetime struggles. Some are seen on the outside like a physical disability or scar from an accident from days gone by. Some are never seen but by those who truly love us. Others yet we never show to anyone and choose to struggle with on our own. Some people deal with their struggles and become violent or aggressive towards others. Others keep it all bottled up and don't let on to anyone how much they are struggling. Some may choose to deal by letting others learn from their struggles and how they either cope or overcome them. There is no tried and true, one size fits all way to deal or not to deal with your struggles. My personal struggles have been getting me down lately but it is how life is I guess. Just wish there truly were and 'easy' button sometimes.
Labels: Huskerheavy, Struggles
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
We all do stupid things, right?
Not sure what I was thinking when I did it but I did it anyway. What was it you ask? I got a tattoo. Now before you go and cuss me out or think less of me know I already have done this to myself. It wasn't a drunken moment with friends or something done on a whim, it is something I have been thinking about for quite some time. I am happy with what I got, all of verse 1 of Psalm 23 and part of verse 4. This is my favorite verse of the Bible and means a great deal to me. I knew it would be permanent so I didn't want to get something I would ashamed to have on my body. I got it in an inconspicuous spot that most people will ever see.
I have heard from friends and family "why would you want to do that?" I just laugh and say it is cheaper then a new truck and way better for me and my family then an affair. I don't know the truthful answer to why I wanted one or went thru with it. I could call it a midlife crisis or just a bad judgement call, I don't know why. All I can say is it is a decision I made and I have to live with. There will be no pictures here sorry, here is what I got though.
Psalm 23:1 - The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
23:4 - Yea though I walk through the valley of the of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil;
Labels: bad judgment, Huskerheavy, midlife crisis, tattoo's
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Special People, Special Day
The first group consisted of two young ladies one with both physical and developmental disabilities and the second young woman with only developmental disabilities. It was amazing to see their attitude in respect to themselves and the other competitor. The first young lady did well on all her lifts but was not boastful. The second young lady went 0-6 in the event. I could not tell she was upset or angry, she was so excited to be there and competing, she was happy for her fellow competitor even though she was having a bad time of it. She truly defined what it meant to be a good competitor and sportsmanship.
As the day moved along the groups got larger and the lifters had their different types of disabilities but the sportsmanship level never changed. There was a T.V. set up in the staging area where the athletes could watch each other compete. Not once was a bad or negative word spoken about another competitor. They would cheer, yell support, congratulate each other when the came off stage and console each other when another athlete was sad about not making their lift.
If you ever get the chance to spend the day volunteering with some of these truly special individuals take it. It will give you a perspective everyday life will not and may even teach you something about yourself. I know it did for me.
Friday, July 9, 2010
Anyone remember my diet?
I am starting to get discouraged a little now. I keep telling myself "the plateau won't last long, keep at it!" I do feel better, some say I look better and my jeans are a little looser but darn it when will I start losing some weight again?
Labels: Huskerheavy, Weight loss
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Happy Fourth of July.
Happy Fourth of July everyone, I hope you get to spend this day with all those most special to you.
While to many this day means fireworks, BBQ's, picnics and adult beverages to me it means much more. I think back to what the Founding Fathers (and Mothers) must have had to endure. Knowing that by sending The Declaration of Independence they were committing treason. They basically said we are willing to put our lives on the line for what we believe in. I think back even further to the pilgrim's who came over for many reason and landed on Plymouth Rock. They were willing to put their lives on the line going to a new continent not knowing what they were going to find, how they were going to survive and what life was going to be like. Never forget how 150-160 years later as the Bill of Rights was being written they remembered them. Pilgrim's came over to get away from the religious Tierney of the King of England. They wanted to practice religion as they saw fit or not practice at all. It was something that so many of us cannot even fathom because of how much we know about the world today. The fact that the Founding Fathers had the wisdom to put this into the Bill of Rights shows how much this was ingrained in their/our society.
So this weekend while you are celebrating and doing all the modern day stuff take a moment and remember those who put their lives on-the-line for things we often take for granted. Remember the Pilgrim's leaving their homes and everything they had and were willing to start new. Remember those who were willing to fight for the right to practice religion, represent themselves in government and so many other things. These strong people did this so you can drink that beer, BBQ the burger and vote for representation in how our country is led. They did it so you can practice religion as you see fit or not at all. They did it so we could all be free.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Ten years?
Ten years used to seem like such a long time to me. I thought who am I going to be, what am I going to do, how will life have changed? Maybe it's because I am getting older or maybe it is because of life experience but ten years doesn't seem like that long of time anymore. After having my first daughter 10 years ago yesterday I cannot believe how fast the time flies by. It seems like she was just this little girl who needed my wife and I for everything. She needed us to feed her, bath her, help her get dressed and care for her every need.
Now she has grown and became more independent. She doesn't need us like she used to, well she does but just in different ways. She needs us when she has a rough day at school when the other kids have been mean. She needs us when she is stressed about homework. She needs us to take her back and forth from dance class and horse riding lessons. She needs us to teach her about God and how to treat others. We still have so many things to teach her and things she still needs. These are all great things to be needed for but its not at all like when she was little. She is only 10 but I see the young lady she is turning into already. She is so smart and mature, she makes me proud all the time. Soon she will be a teenager and I will be reflecting back on her 10th birthday and thinking "wouldn't it be nice if she needed me like she did then?"
Cutie Pie you are growing up much to fast for my liking. I am sorry I have not been there as much as I would've liked to be. I am sorry for all the things I miss because of work and sleep. Please know I am doing these things for you, your sister and your mother. I would so much like to be more of you life. Just know you and your sister are everything to me. Even if I don't always show it like I should or say the things I should, you are!
I love you Cutie Pie.
Labels: Cutie Pie, Huskerheavy
Friday, June 25, 2010
Happiness is?
Recently I have been struggling with my happiness and I am not sure why. I have a beautiful wife who loves me very much and I love her. I have two wonderful daughters that are pure joy to me that I love more then I can say. I have my family, friends who love me, my health and a good job. These are many things a lot of people don't have today. So with all my blessings why am I still struggling to find happiness? I feel something is missing but I just don't know what it is.
I believe happiness is what you make it and something you have to find. It is not necessarily something inside of you but a culmination of many different factors. Some of these are internal, things that you have control over, while others are outside factors. You can chose how you look at life, you can chose how you are going to respond to different situations and no one has the ability to hurt your feelings unless you let them. These things are within our control. You cannot control how long your family will live, how long you will maintain friendships, how long you will be employed or what people say and do.
I need to work on the balance of internal and external factors and do what I can to be happy. I need to work on how I control my own attitude and try not to let those outside of my control affect me. Work with what you have, don't try and change too much and be alright with life's little lessons.
Be happy my friends.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Father's Day
Father's Day is a day to celebrate dad and all he does for his kids but I don't feel I deserve it.
Labels: Angel Bug, Cutie Pie, Father's Day 2010, Huskerheavy, Huskerheavy's Dad
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
I've really got to work on the song I sing.
How many people are singing the song that is making their life happy? My song is bringing me down and I need to work on it.
Labels: Creed, Huskerheavy
Friday, June 4, 2010
When is Church no longer a church?
While they are afforded free speech under the Constitution of the United States of America their rhetoric is nothing but hate filled ignorance. They have already deemed every single one of us as going to hell for supporting God, our families, our friends and our country. I don't want to get into a name calling battle with these folks but it is time to call them what they are. In my opinion this is no longer a church but a cult hiding behind the name of God like so many others.
Read the story below and make up you own mind.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Why do we make the same mistakes over and over?
at 7:37 AM
Labels: friends, Huskerheavy, loss
Monday, May 31, 2010
Memorial Day. Please remember why.
Keep it moving, please, even if you've seen it before. It is the VETERAN, not the preacher, who has given us freedom of religion. It is the VETERAN, not the reporter, who has given us freedom of the press. It is the VETERAN, not the poet, who has given us freedom of speech. It is the VETERAN, not the campus organizer, who has given us freedom to assemble. It is the VETERAN, not the lawyer, who has given us the right to a fair trial. It is the VETERAN, not the politician, Who has given us the right to vote. It is the VETERAN who salutes the Flag, It is the VETERANwho serves under the Flag, ETERNAL REST GRANT THEM O LORD, AND LET PERPETUAL LIGHT SHINE UPON THEM. |
Labels: Huskerheavy, Memorial Day
To all those women and men who never came home.
Labels: Dixie Chicks, Memorial Day, Traveling Soldier
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Can we stop the bickering?
On many forums people are debating religion, politics and many other issues that seem to drive a wedge in our society. If we could all look at our neighbor and see they just have different beliefs from us but are not all that different maybe we could get some stuff done. Actually listen to your worst opponent and see if they are really so different or just say it different than you do. Understand the freedoms of this country allow for them, and you, to have these opinions. Men and women are created equal; laws, misinformation and misunderstandings make it otherwise.
So whether you are Republican or Democrat, whether you believe in God or not, whether you feel your morals come from inside you or from teachings of a certain religion or you think people are born good or evil please remember those who have defended this country and given us the right to do so.
"There's not one known thing in God's Great Universe that won't take the path of least resistance save an argumentative man."
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Happy Memorial Day Weekend
Labels: America, Memorial Day, U.S. Flag, Veterans
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Working an odd schedule is difficult.
Friday, May 7, 2010
HTC Incredible is, well incredible!
After an extra day of waiting due to the floods in Tennessee my HTC Incredible came via FedEx late Thursday afternoon. First I would like to say my prayers go out to those affected by the floods. Second I would like to say I am ashamed that I was a little upset that I had to wait an extra day. What those poor folks are going thru is nothing compared to me waiting for said phone.
I woke up and my oldest daughter knowing how I was anticipating the arrival hid it from me. She left notes all around the house; in the mail pile, on the kitchen table, on the T.V., in the refrigerator and on the couch telling me where to go to find it. The last one was very cryptic and made me think far longer then it should have. Remember I had just woken up so was still a bit groggy but I just couldn't figure out the last clue. Finally my dense brain got around what she was saying and I knew where she had hidden it.Out witted by an almost 10 year old, I am both proud (of her) and ashamed (of myself). -MORE-
Labels: HTC Incredible, Huskerheavy, Motorola Razr., religion
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
"Holly Bat Ca-ca Batman, can you say mid-life crisis at 38?"
So this is a win/win for me and win/lose for her. When I win I will be at my goal weight and get to jump out of an airplane. When I get to my goal weight she will have a husband who is healthier and jumping out of a perfectly good plane. Send me your prayers and wish me luck friends, on both.
Labels: Huskerheavy, Parachuting, Weight loss
Amazed by God's wonder everyday.
Road my bike to school today and am just so amazed by God's wonders and the beautiful things he gives us. Whether it be the sun, birds singing or kids playing tag after school. To think this all happened out of happen stance I just can't fathom that. Saw my wife and youngest daughter in the back yard planting some flowers. The wonder in my little one's eye's just makes me realize how blessed I am and how God has given me so much to be thankful for.
Labels: God
Every day people still amaze me, today it was in a good way.
So I was driving home after buying some groceries to donate to the local shelter for their dinner tonight and this girl was stuck at the bottom of a hill. I stopped to see what I could do to help and she said she was out of gas. I tried pushing her up the hill but just couldn't do it. Luckily some other good guys stopped and helped. We were able to get the car out of the road and into the gas station. It really is nice to see people do good things for others!
Labels: Helping others., Huskerheavy
Monday, May 3, 2010
Motorola Razr died, time for the HTC Incredible.
Well my old Motorola Razr finally died this week. So I went to the local Verizon store to see what is our there. I know what I wanted but wasn't sure if I was going to get it. Well I did and here is my new toy.
Very excited to see what this phone can do with it's 1Ghz processor and all the other features. I will keep you updated on it.
Labels: HTC Incredible, Huskerheavy, Motorola Razr.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Friday, April 30, 2010
Yeah, not so good at the video editing yet. Here is the song she really wanted posted.
Labels: Cello, Cutie Pie, Huskerheavy
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Weight loss is the sucky suck.
I have been trying very hard as of late to lose some weight. With all the snow we received here this winter it was tough to get outside and do much. I am happy to report that I am down 20 pounds (don't weigh myself everyday) since January. I am not going to tell you how much I started at, too embarrassed for that. I am starting to feel better and my clothes are fitting me better.
Labels: Huskerheavy, motivation, Weight loss