Saturday, July 3, 2010

Happy Fourth of July.

Happy Fourth of July everyone, I hope you get to spend this day with all those most special to you.

While to many this day means fireworks, BBQ's, picnics and adult beverages to me it means much more. I think back to what the Founding Fathers (and Mothers) must have had to endure. Knowing that by sending The Declaration of Independence they were committing treason. They basically said we are willing to put our lives on the line for what we believe in. I think back even further to the pilgrim's who came over for many reason and landed on Plymouth Rock. They were willing to put their lives on the line going to a new continent not knowing what they were going to find, how they were going to survive and what life was going to be like. Never forget how 150-160 years later as the Bill of Rights was being written they remembered them. Pilgrim's came over to get away from the religious Tierney of the King of England. They wanted to practice religion as they saw fit or not practice at all. It was something that so many of us cannot even fathom because of how much we know about the world today. The fact that the Founding Fathers had the wisdom to put this into the Bill of Rights shows how much this was ingrained in their/our society.

So this weekend while you are celebrating and doing all the modern day stuff take a moment and remember those who put their lives on-the-line for things we often take for granted. Remember the Pilgrim's leaving their homes and everything they had and were willing to start new. Remember those who were willing to fight for the right to practice religion, represent themselves in government and so many other things. These strong people did this so you can drink that beer, BBQ the burger and vote for representation in how our country is led. They did it so you can practice religion as you see fit or not at all. They did it so we could all be free.