Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day. Please remember why.


Keep it
moving, please, even if you've seen it before.
It is the
 not the preacher,  who has given us freedom of religion. 

It is
 VETERAN not the reporter,   who has given us freedom of the press.

It is
 VETERAN not the poet,
who has given us freedom of speech.


It is
not the campus organizer,
who has given us freedom to assemble. 


It is
 not the lawyer,
who has given us the right to a fair trial. 


It is
 VETERAN not the politician,
Who has given us the right to vote.


It is the

salutes the Flag, 


It is

who serves
under the Flag,


To all those women and men who never came home.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Can we stop the bickering?

This weekend when we remember those who gave/give so much for our way of life, the freedoms of religion and freedoms from religion, the political representation and the security we have in this country I hope we can try and be more tolerant of each other. Let's all try and be more peaceful and cordial to one another. I like a good debate but there is no reason we can't be civil when we do.

On many forums people are debating religion, politics and many other issues that seem to drive a wedge in our society. If we could all look at our neighbor and see they just have different beliefs from us but are not all that different maybe we could get some stuff done. Actually listen to your worst opponent and see if they are really so different or just say it different than you do. Understand the freedoms of this country allow for them, and you, to have these opinions. Men and women are created equal; laws, misinformation and misunderstandings make it otherwise.

So whether you are Republican or Democrat, whether you believe in God or not, whether you feel your morals come from inside you or from teachings of a certain religion or you think people are born good or evil please remember those who have defended this country and given us the right to do so.

"There's not one known thing in God's Great Universe that won't take the path of least resistance save an argumentative man."

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Happy Memorial Day Weekend

I would like to wish everyone a happy and safe Memorial Day weekend. Please remember all those men and women who have served this country and those who paid the ultimate sacrifice while doing so. These brave men and women have done so much that we could never comprehend and deserve more respect then they get. So if you know someone who is a serving, non-active or retired veteran buy them a coke, shake their hand or just say hi and thank you.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Working an odd schedule is difficult.

Anyone who has ever worked a non-traditional schedule knows how difficult they can be. Not only on family and friends but on your body as a whole. I work a schedule that is even less then traditional. Three and a half days on and three and a half days off. The thing is my schedule moves around, it is not the same days every week.

You try to do right by your wife and kids, family and friends while trying to do right by yourself. Sleep is probably the hardest thing to come by and when you do it is never good. People don't realize how many noises are made during the day for those who sleep then. As a person who works nights I don't expect people to change or even be sympathetic, I just wish they could understand. People want you to come to their events but don't always realize that 3:00 p.m. for you is the same as 3:00 a.m. for them. People will schedule meetings at 5:15 p.m. trying to accommodate me but don't realize that that would be like me scheduling a meeting for them at 5:15 a.m.

 In the end no one wins, the kids get grouchy dad, mom has to parent alone more then she should have too and I miss sleep and feel bad for being a jerk all the time. 

Friday, May 7, 2010

HTC Incredible is, well incredible!

After an extra day of waiting due to the floods in Tennessee my HTC Incredible came via FedEx late Thursday afternoon. First I would like to say my prayers go out to those affected by the floods. Second I would like to say I am ashamed that I was a little upset that I had to wait an extra day. What those poor folks are going thru is nothing compared to me waiting for said phone.

I woke up and my oldest daughter knowing how I was anticipating the arrival hid it from me. She left notes all around the house; in the mail pile, on the kitchen table, on the T.V., in the refrigerator and on the couch telling me where to go to find it. The last one was very cryptic and made me think far longer then it should have. Remember I had just woken up so was still a bit groggy but I just couldn't figure out the last clue. Finally my dense brain got around what she was saying and I knew where she had hidden it.Out witted by an almost 10 year old, I am both proud (of her) and ashamed (of myself). -MORE-

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

"Holly Bat Ca-ca Batman, can you say mid-life crisis at 38?"

So I hear you all saying "what the heck is Huskerheavy talking about?" Well to be honest I am probably not talking or thinking clearly. I want to jump out of a perfectly good airplane. To do so I need to get to my goal weight. I made a deal with my wife that if I do I can jump out of said plane. It has always intrigued me how it would feel to just fall. No net, no mat, just me falling thru the air.

So this is a win/win for me and win/lose for her. When I win I will be at my goal weight and get to jump out of an airplane. When I get to my goal weight she will have a husband who is healthier and jumping out of a perfectly good plane.  Send me your prayers and wish me luck friends, on both.

Amazed by God's wonder everyday.

Road my bike to school today and am just so amazed by God's wonders and the beautiful things he gives us. Whether it be the sun, birds singing or kids playing tag after school. To think this all happened out of happen stance I just can't fathom that. Saw my wife and youngest daughter in the back yard planting some flowers. The wonder in my little one's eye's just makes me realize how blessed I am and how God has given me so much to be thankful for.

Every day people still amaze me, today it was in a good way.

So I was driving home after buying some groceries to donate to the local shelter for their dinner tonight and this girl was stuck at the bottom of a hill. I stopped to see what I could do to help and she said she was out of gas. I tried pushing her up the hill but just couldn't do it. Luckily some other good guys stopped and helped. We were able to get the car out of the road and into the gas station. It really is nice to see people do good things for others!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Motorola Razr died, time for the HTC Incredible.

Well my old Motorola Razr finally died this week. So I went to the local Verizon store to see what is our there. I know what I wanted but wasn't sure if I was going to get it. Well I did and here is my new toy.

Very excited to see what this phone can do with it's 1Ghz processor and all the other features. I will keep you updated on it.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

My Girls.