This weekend when we remember those who gave/give so much for our way of life, the freedoms of religion and freedoms from religion, the political representation and the security we have in this country I hope we can try and be more tolerant of each other. Let's all try and be more peaceful and cordial to one another. I like a good debate but there is no reason we can't be civil when we do.
On many forums people are debating religion, politics and many other issues that seem to drive a wedge in our society. If we could all look at our neighbor and see they just have different beliefs from us but are not all that different maybe we could get some stuff done. Actually listen to your worst opponent and see if they are really so different or just say it different than you do. Understand the freedoms of this country allow for them, and you, to have these opinions. Men and women are created equal; laws, misinformation and misunderstandings make it otherwise.
So whether you are Republican or Democrat, whether you believe in God or not, whether you feel your morals come from inside you or from teachings of a certain religion or you think people are born good or evil please remember those who have defended this country and given us the right to do so.
"There's not one known thing in God's Great Universe that won't take the path of least resistance save an argumentative man."