Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Politics and the World We Live In

While I dislike politicians and the hypocrisy they expound I find it odd that so many "average" Americans are willing to point out this hypocrisy. There is not one among us, myself included, who is not a hypocrite. I do not know one person who has not said "I will never" or "under no circumstances is that". When it comes to items like abortion, pedophilia, murder, etc. most people aren't hypocrites, we live what we say. But are we saying that there are different levels to being hypocrite and that some are OK? When we do this we are no better than the same people we sit in judgement and become just like them. So instead of us becoming the political pundits we love to hate maybe we should take a step back and look in the mirror first.

The news of Santorum's wife's abortion is very bad for his candidacy but it does only show that he is human. Yes he is a hypocrite and he lied to us but after all he is a politician, did you expect something different? I am a Christian but have always found the way he pushed his faith out in front was not what I want to hear. I want to hear how he is going to change foreign policy, fix the economy and help out Americans. Did I think he was a viable or even a good candidate, no. Do I think this hurts his campaign, yes. But I don't really care since to me he was a poor choice in the first place. Being a Christian makes you who you are as a person, not as a politician. Does one affect the other, sure but they are two completely different things.

I am also glad that Michele Bachmann is now out of the race. She also was not a viable candidate and to me is bat crap crazy. Her speech withdrawing from the race for president confirmed this for me even more. To say "even though I am a congresswoman I am not a politician" show's how nuts she really is. Her statement that she was only running to repeal Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act or to her Dodd-Franks and the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA or as she always call's it Obamacare shows how woefully unprepared she was to lead our nation.

I don't know who I will vote for yet since we don't know who the republican candidate is going to be. Has president Obama lived up to every promise he made, no. Is he the best choice, not sure yet. Is Romney the right person, is it Gingrich, Paul or if Huntsman makes a run? I just don't know yet. We have 11 months of listening to speeches, posturing and let's face it lies. Good luck America and the world, this is going to be a fun 11 months.