As I pause from work and take my daily walk to clear my mind and leave the stress there I look up at the almost starless sky, most of them being drowned out by the city lights. The nearly full moon is so bright now it cast slight shadows.
The cool temperature on my face makes me realize how blessed I am to have a good job, a roof over my head and a family to share it with. My mind wonders off while listening to the music from my ear buds. I think of my cousin who passed last week at the age of 41; he was much too young. I think of how I let our relationship get weaker and wonder how one does that? How do you let family become so distant? I will be attending the funeral early this next week but feel ashamed, should I go even though I didn't take the time to visit when he was still with us? I am going to go and pay respects because no matter how distant one becomes he was still family and I loved him.
I think of two dear friends. One is struggling with the trials and tribulations that life presents. This economy has been kind to very few and this person is feeling the affects and needs to make some difficult choices. The other friend on my mind is struggling with an illness that is unexplained. The doctors are finding nothing and my friend is concerned and scared at the same time. I pray for both that they will find answers and comfort with the difficult decisions that need to be made.
Lunch is over, time to get back to work. Answers will come and I will not search for them, I will have faith and let things happen as they will.
Hey, sorry about your cousin. Sadly, I have done this more times than I care to recall--becoming seperated from people I care about. Just remember people flow in and out of our lives like water in a stream. We are meant to experience and love them when we can. And you're right, the answers will come no matter how difficult it may seem if we just have faith. Thank you for reminding me of that. You, my dear, are a good guy and a good friend. Thank you.
I am sorry to hear about your loss Don. It is too easy to be involved in our everyday lives and let our relations with family members slip past us.
Sorry about your day today. Get some rest. As you know, lack of sleep is not a good thing.
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